
CARDIOMYO - An integrated HTS platform for the discovery of new therapeutics against cardiomyopathies

CARDIOMYO combines three complementary approaches: 1) high content phenotypic in vitro cardiac assays 2) a novel in vivo cardiovascular phenotyping using zebrafish and 3) drug discovery chemistry

Start – End dates: 01/12/20 – 30/11/23

Project reference: E!113937

Total budget: 2,362,104€

Co-financed by: Eurostars, Eureka EU & CDTI, Spain

“This project has received funding from the Eurostars-2 joint programme with co-funding from CDTI and the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.¨

Partners: Taros Chemicals (Germany), Amsterdam UMC (Netherlands)


Cardiomyopathies (CMs) are diseases of the heart muscle which lead to heart failure (HF) and sudden cardiac death. Among them, ischemic heart disease represents the major cause of death worldwide.

Only palliative treatments (e.g. ACE inhibitors, ß-blockers) or invasive surgical therapies (e.g. pacemakers, ICD, heart transplant) are available. This severe medical need for directed therapies represents an attractive market niche which will be addressed by CARDIOMYO. 

Our main goal is to develop a comprehensive drug discovery platform integrating both in vitro and in vivo biology with drug discovery chemistry to allow servicing third parties in their search for novel therapies against CM. We will establish an innovative drug discovery platform for the generation of lead compounds against cardiomyopathies. CARDIOMYO combines three complementary approaches:  1) high content phenotypic in vitro cardiac assays 2) a novel in vivo cardiovascular phenotyping using zebrafish and 3) drug discovery chemistry. 

The platform will close the current gap between early drug discovery with partially informative cellular tools and preclinical development using costly and complex mammal models.