Basic research

Our portfolio of experimental services in zebrafish aims at enabling research institutions around the globe to accelerate their research and drug discovery efforts.

Unlike mammals, zebrafish have external fertilization, large progenies, rapid development, and fast life cycle. Their small size makes them easy to manipulate and allows high throughput screenings like in vitro systems, but with whole-organism outputs. Larvae transparency provides a straightforward system for non-invasive in vivo readouts at the cell, tissue, and organ levels. All these advantages together with the high genetic homology and physiological conservation turn zebrafish into a cost-effective and translatable model.

ZeClinics provides you with the expert support you need to accomplish your experimental project.

Model generation

We specialize in generating zebrafish disease models to be used in early biological and biomedical research. We can create tailored genetic and pharmacological models, with the exact genetic condition and/or the disease-specific phenotypes in order to ease your research. 

Our expertise and know-how in CRISPR and other genetic techniques allow us to develop CRISPR-edited individuals and lines, as well as other transient genetic modifications.

Choose from our appoaches for target identification allowing rapid screening of several candidate genes/proteins:


If you already have a zebrafish disease model but you are not sure which are the best phenotypes to look for, our experts can give you advice, and help you to identify alternate routes and hypotheses you may not have seen previously.

We can characterize and validate your disease model by performing phenotypic-based high throughput screening to streamline your research. Our data analysis and focused team of experts will also help you to understand the results and provide the deep insights you need to make a go/no-go decision.

View our Basic research services