ZeClinics - Powering Discovery with Zebrafish

Zebrafish-expert CRO tailoring solutions for understanding human disease and performing drug and target discovery.

ZeClinics expertise in CRISPR genome editing allows developing custom zebrafish genetic models to mimic human disease and addressing the biomedical relevance of candidate compounds and genes in vivo. Zebrafish bridges the gap between cell and rodent experimental models, enabling accelerated and cost-effective drug and target discovery.

Our zebrafish models are contributing to the successful research at:

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ZeClinics makes you part of our scientific team from the start of your project. Our scientific experts accompany you throughout the design, execution and reporting, so you will feel confident when you present the data to your stakeholders.

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Zebrafish experimental advantages – number of individuals, small size, transparency – allow us to test the effect of several drugs and dosages in parallel: on specific tissues and the whole animal. Zebrafish shares high genomic and physiological conservation with humans, displaying analogous organs, cell types and biological processes. In short, the use of zebrafish will accelerate your research, while providing great translatability on how your candidate gene or molecule might impact human biology.

ZeClinics is focused on the zebrafish model because reducing the use of animals in experimentation is important for you, your company, society…and for us!

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If you are involved in biomedical and chemical research you can benefit from ZeClinics expertise in zebrafish. LEARN MORE


ZebraReg—a novel platform for discovering regulators of cardiac regeneration using zebrafish

A powerful tool poised to streamline the target validation of novel gene regulators for regeneration and unlock new drug therapies aimed at heart regeneration post-myocardial infarction.



ZeClinics to Attend Neuroscience 2024: A Premier Neuroscience Event

Discover the Future of Neuroscience Research with Zebrafish at Our Booth #454



Maintaining Water Quality in Zebrafish Tanks


Optimal Conditions for Zebrafish Husbandry


Guarantee your research results with a reliable ethical alternative. We challenge traditional drug discovery by thinking differently.  Let us help you carry out innovative research. GET IN CONTACT